Governance strengthens relationships between the organization’s management, its board and its stakeholders. Governance provides a structure for interactions and decision making through which the successful organizations track and measure success to achieve its vision and deliver on its objectives.

Our Approach

Consultech will adhere to “Three Lines of Defense ” and ISO 38500 framework to develop Business and Technology Governance. Key focus areas include Executive Committee/CEO, and Management committees including Strategy & Architecture, Finance, Investment & procurement, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Cybersecurity, Technology and Service Management, Programs, Projects, Proposals and Bids, Human Capability Development, Product, Platforms and Professional Services.

Understand organization outcomesDevelop governance and standardsDashboarding and reporting
Consultech will engage with you to understand the vision, objectives, business model, service delivery model, customer expectation and organizational outcomes.

In addition, Consultech will understand the organization’s controls, operations, risk compliance and accountabilities.

Consultech will deliver a governance structure to manage business technology governance.
IT governance standards will be selected for the management board, the executives and IT practitioners. Reporting and relationships will be defined between IT governance committee, IT management committees and IT working groups.

Terms of reference, standards and processes will be defined for IT governance committee, five management committees and up to five working groups.
Consultech will collaborate to understand and deliver Business Value KPIs and a KPI management strategy. This includes selected KPI, business owner, desired outcome, measurement calculation, accountable owner, data source, reporting and URL visualizations.

Consultech will assist in the design and proof of concept of a Digital KPI Dashboard to help measure the progress against the Organization’s strategy.

Our Offering

Consultech will collaborate with the organization to develop business technology governance for successful delivery of IT projects and services. The governance approach has been successfully utilized by various organizations and government departments.